The Daily Friday: Wednesday 6/26

Cybertruck Recall. Melted Statue. Rawdogging Flights.

  1. Tesla issues Cybertruck recall for the fourth time since launching in November. Sure, the product doesn’t work, but at least it’s the ugliest vehicle ever created. Gotta count for something right?

  2. Florida Panthers win Stanley Cup for the first time in franchise history. Very happy for the tens of Florida hockey fans who have suffered for so long. No one deserves this win more 🙏🏻

  3. Trump and Biden will debate tomorrow night on CNN, with new rules that include no live audience and muted mics while the other is speaking. This is like Christmas Eve for meme pages. Buckle up.

  4. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty, will be free after legal saga. Thank god he never exposed my emails. Lot of mail-order bride convos and forwarding chains to avoid 7 years of bad luck.

  5. Guys are currently raw-dogging flights. LET’S BREAK IT DOWN.


The latest Tik-Tok trend involves dudes sitting in silence during long flights, staring at flight maps and doing their best Strider Wilson impression.

GQ dropped a bombshell report on the trend and it’s time for to do a full deep dive. LET’S BREAK IT DOWN.

Fun Fact: I watched this show on a 7 hour flight last year. It’s about a 7 hour flight getting hijacked. I was terrified.

  • ‘Raw-dogging’ a flight involves spending the entire trip staring silently at the flight map on the screen. No music, no movies, no book, no jacking off. Only way I’m doing this is if I get to sit next to Meadow Soprano.

  • Some fellas view this process as a type of “meditation,” as you stare at the back of your seat and the sounds of the engine serve as white noise. I don’t think I could be alone with my own thoughts for more than 45 minutes, let alone 6+ hours. I have many demons from my dark and mysterious past that I HATE talking about unless you ask me about it or mention any topic at all.

  • Others view ‘barebacking’ as a challenge, like a Tough Mudder or No Nut November, and turn down free snacks and even bathroom trips to avoid any and all indulgences. This feels like something Brion would do. I’m in.

Honestly, I’m torn. One one hand, the entire point of a long flight is to consume media. When else will you have several uninterrupted hours to crush some podcasts, read 3 chapters of a book or watch Oppenheimer on a dimly lit, 18 inch screen with the audio going in and out? Our ancestors did not invent prestige TV so you could waste your time ‘looking inward.’

On the other hand, any movement that forces national media outlets to use the word ‘rawdog’ and ‘bareback’ in their headlines is fine by me. Finally, these writers get to put their journalism degrees to work.

How about a compromise? We all just do the grown up thing on our next flight: get shit-faced off 9 whiskey gingers and fall asleep in the airplane bathroom. Like real men.


Flip cup. $4 Friday Beers. Full DJ service. Your favorite newslettter writer in attendance (me.) What else do you need? If you’re in NYC, come through and have some beers with your boy tomorrow night.

NBA: The Nova Knicks are finally complete, after NY trades 4 first round picks for Mikal Bridges, their fourth member of the 2016 Villanova national championship team. Small price to pay for the power of friendship.

Kinda wish me and my college buddies all got a job together. That’d be fun as fuck

Can’t believe the Cavaliers hired Kenny Atkinson as their new head coach. Guy has zero podcasting experience.

MLB: It’s not even July and I think we have our winner for Fan Catch of the Year. No one is coming close to topping this one.

Are you not entertained???

Busy afternoon for Jurickson Profar, who jacks a grand slam after being square in the middle of a benches clearing brawl. All in a day’s work.

GOLF: Tip of the cap to the Golf Galaxy employee who qualified for the PGA Tour 3 beers deep. Perfect amount of beers for elite athletic performance.

HOOPS: Please Cameron Brink, I’m begging you to retire before this 7’5, 16 year old from China makes the WNBA. Can’t have you getting hurt again.

Me playing pool basketball against my younger cousins and putting up a 40 point quadruple double


Shoutout to the drunk guy who stole a yacht in Pittsburgh so he could float down the river and meet some Pirates players. Can’t believe that didn’t work.

Danny Ocean could’ve pulled it off, especially if he had Don Cheadle and that small fellow who could squeeze into tiny boxes. Elite crew

Stop saying Abe Lincoln’s wax statue melted from the heat in DC. He’s just currently being visited by the ghost of Nancy Reagan. Let him enjoy himself.

Why doe we even have outdoor wax statues in the first place? This is bound to happen eventually.

Sucks for the dude who impersonated a police officer and pulled over a real detective. That’s just bad luck. Next time, recruit a friend and you can have a tight 90 minute, buddy comedy on your hands.

I actually enjoyed this movie a lot. Not every movie has to be good.

I refuse to play another round of golf if it’s not with a llama caddie. I don’t care if it’s only available in North Carolina….alpaca suitcase. AYOOOO!

Barack Ollama.


Vote on who is most deserving of the coveted title of Hump Day Hero. Congrats to last week’s hero, 9 Year Old Skater, who pulled off THREE 900s. Tony Hawk has nothing on him.

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Another fantastic piece of art. So many great moments, but genuinely laughed out loud at the Cash App bit at the end. 10/10. See you at Cannes.


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